What's gone viral this week

16 January 2014

Every month I'll be bringing you a slice from the web that has gone viral. From the weird to the wonderful, to the clever and the stupid, the web is an endless source of great entertainment.

Zach King does Magic

Zach King is a bit of a Vine star and while this might not be magic in the traditional sense, he is super good at editing, I will give him that. Sit back and enjoy some of his mesmerizing tricks.

Devil Baby

Viral videos and horror movies have come hand in hand in recent months, just check out Carrie's telekinetic prank. So, this time the Devil's Due got in on the act. 

With a creepy and realistic looking remote controlled baby, unsuspecting passers by are terrorized by the little blighter. Chasing people down the street and the classic projectile vomiting all take place, some of the reactions are priceless from this freaky looking infant. 

Guinness goes anti-tech

We at Lovers' TIF do like a good trip down to the pub with friends and it seems the Irish brewer has certainly noticed that tech just ruins good banter down the pub.

I think Guinness have played this really well, gently asking revellers to put your phone to one side and I think it is about time someone stood up for good old conversation.