5 Things I've learnt about Online Marketing.

29 April 2013

When I started learning about Online Marketing, SEO and Social Media it felt like I was just playing around with it. Now, it has become something I take a little too seriously. Whether it's working on voluntary projects or doing it professionally I try to learn and evolve with the technology, so keeping up is becoming tricky. With this blog, I wanted just to share a few things I've learnt along the way...

Social Media should be taken seriously.

It’s not just a way for your business to communicate with the public but a tool to see how your business can improve and develop its customer relationship.  It comes with a lot of trial and error but when you get the balance right it can be a brilliant tool.

Experimentation should not be shied away from.

When starting an effective online brand you will come up against a few hit and misses to see what works and doesn’t, but always keep going. The online voice is always evolving and websites are experimenting and adjusting everyday to tailor the experience, so why should yours be any different.

A website is not a maze.

If you can’t find what your after in 3 clicks then your website may as well be lost in translation. Even though this is not set in stone, users become frustrated quickly while trying to find the right information.

Think like a customer.

The most important thing to understand is why a customer is visiting your site, by all means tell them how great you are but for SEO, make sure you have a clear indication what you're selling. Google Adwords is a great place to start but more later….

Make sure your voice is known.

Don’t make your website sound too professional (read, cold), users will lose sight of you as a person and a business. People will respond better if they feel there is a real person behind the site, this goes for social media too. Make it personal to the user.

That's just a few things I have learnt, but by the time you come back this it would have changed. With the posts coming up, I will show you a few tricks that I have used in the past and hopefully you can use them yourself. That's enough from me, I will hand you over to my lovely partner and the 5 things Svea has learnt.

'Til the next time, James x

{W} is for Welcome!

27 April 2013

Greetings and welcome to our joint blogging venture! Our official launch is on Monday April 29th - we've got some great posts lined up! We're looking forward to meeting you!

Have a great weekend,

James & Svea xo