My Tips for Twitter

21 January 2014

So you've got Twitter all set up and you're wondering how do I get the best out of this? If you follow me on the social network then you'll see I mainly tweet about films, sport and food. But, when you're in charge of a business twitter feed you can't really share your individual passions, it needs to be about what the brand represents. I've put together some handy tips that might keep you on track.

1//What are your aims?
Why are you setting up this account? If you don’t have a clear answer to that question then it’s going to be very difficult for you to create an account that speaks with a consistent voice and provides a great reason for people to follow. Think about what kind of things you’d like to talk about, whether you’re hoping to promote something such as a business or a blog, and the kind of impression you’d like to make with this account. 

2//Don't go content crazy
Remember you're talking to human beings that aren't here to badgered about your latest this and that, let people know about your content but think about using it differently. You have plenty of other avenues to let people know about how busy your site is. Have a content plan across the social platforms that will break up the flow of constant updates.

3//Connect with people
Companies often send out Twitter updates but don’t build connections. Twitter lets you speak to anyone (using the @mention function) about any topic using #hashtag for a subject. This is one place where it isn’t bad to be a follower. Follow people and companies you want to know about and connect with, reach out to them and connect and you'll grow similar followers that are passionate about your industry.

4// Never change your voice
Whether you’re talking to 3 followers or 3 million followers, use the same approach in your tweeting. Share the same kind of links and information. The best way to grow your network and become a reliable source of information is to provide really high quality tweets from the word go.

These tips will hopefully get you cracking on with a successful twitter venture. If you have any other tips, please feel free to share.
