5 things I've learnt about Graphic Design

01 May 2013

Hi Guys!

I hope you enjoyed James' post on Monday? I'm here today to talk about five things that I've learnt about my field since I graduated in 2011. I was lucky enough to get a job as a Creative Designer for Shop Direct pretty much straight out of uni. The experience of getting thrown straight into a professional design environment in a big company has come with some pretty steep learning curves. Here are my five things...

The General population seem to think that Graphic Designers and Web Designers are exactly the same thing.

I found this out when I was job hunting. I have a Graphic Design degree - so I am fully qualified to create awesome identities/set some cool type etc. Need a logo? I'm your girl! What I'm not trained to do is to code an entire functioning website (HTML what?!) But apparently, most companies that want a Graphic Designer also want someone who can code a beautiful site. Ever asked a Graphic Designer to code a website or a Web Designer to layout some beautiful typography? 9 times out of 10 it ain't pretty. Basically, read the job description thoroughly, they're probably after someone who can code.

A Great Mentor can be invaluable.

When I started in the forward planning team, I met and worked with someone who had (and still has) a profound influence on my work. I've been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and work with this amazing designer, and FYI - he's the most humble person I've ever met. Long story short, if you find a person like this, you should absolutely make the most of the blessing you've been given

Intuition counts for a lot.

I'm learning this one rapidly at the moment. I'm currently working on my first full on publication at work. It's been stressful but I've come away with much more confidence in my design intuition. Sometimes if something isn't working, you've just got to get rid of everything and start again - throw things at the page and your intuition will get you through the rest. Just trust yourself, you can totally do this.

A lot of things can be picked up on the job.

Pretty self explanatory. I was panicking when I first started work that I wouldn't live up to industry standard. But you know what, no-one expects that right off. Two years on a Creative Department have given me totally invaluable experience. It's truly amazing what you pick up on the job.

Finally - Make the most of uni facilities.

Seriously - do you know how hard it is to screen print off your own back or get a lovely bit of letter pressing done?! Milk uni for all it's worth - and go to the lectures! It's really hard to make this sort of knowledge and experience available to yourself after uni.

There you have it, 5 things that I've learnt about my field since graduation! I want to finish with something my tutor at uni used to say to us all when we were stressing about work:

"Just F*@$^!g do it and make it beautiful."

...couldn't have put it better myself.

Svea xo