February Favourites

28 February 2014

Happy Friday all! We thought we'd round off February with our favourite posts from this month! It's been a busy time for the both of us at work, we can't believe how quickly it's gone! But we've also really loved putting the posts for this month together. Here are some of our (and your) favourites…

Karen & Gemma were lovely enough to have a chat with us about their wonderful company. These ladies are awesome, you should drop by and say hi sometime.

James talked us all through the finer points of Vine, I especially love this Parody of the Shining featuring Oreos.

3// I took my Social Media accounts into my own hands by looking how to bring all of your separate accounts together to create a coherent experience for your readers.

4// Which sites do you use to host your portfolio online? I shared my top 3 here. 

We've got a great month ahead planned for March. I'll be getting down and dirty and experimenting with new processes and projects - more news on that next week! I can't wait to share what we've got in store for you!

Have a great weekend!

Svea xo 

What's gone viral this week

26 February 2014

We're back for another week of viral hits, bringing you a right mixture of the weird to the wonderful. Let's dive in shall we?

The Human Loop-de-loop

Superhuman free-runner Damien Walters was given the task to deliver the impossible. PepsiMax sponsored the daredevil's attempt, providing him with a human-sized loop the loop in an abandoned warehouse. After working the out the maths involved — he needed to be running at 8.6 mph at the top — Walters got to work on being the first man to defy gravity in a loop.

Did he do it? See for yourself....

Hair raising ad

In a clever bit of advertising from Sweden, comes some real time marketing that you could becoming to our shores. Apotek, a pharmacy brand, outfitted subway platform ads in Stockholm with ultra-sonic sensors that reacted when a train was coming. The ad featured a model with a lush mane, and when the train came, her hair flapped in the wind and she struggled to keep it in place. Clever, eh?

Apotek Hjärtat - Blowing in The Wind from Ourwork on Vimeo.


From the guys who brought you the pony bouncing along the Scottish coast comes a new video celebrating internet silliness. Mobile phone company Three today released Sing It Kitty, a 60 second clip featuring an eight-year-old girl and her kitten miming ‘ 80s band Starship’s ‘We Built This City’. After last year’s Dance Pony Dance, featuring a small Shetland pony showing off his moonwalking skills to Fleetwood Mac’s Everywhere, accumulated 8.3 million YouTube views. I bet by the end you've got your fist clenched and you're humming along.

Everyday concepts the internet made us aware of

21 February 2014

The internet is a wonderful thing, it's given birth to millions of ideas some of them inhabit our lives everyday, sometimes for right or wrong reasons, so it can be quite tricky to lose sight of them all. I love seeing new and interesting concepts that people have created to help make our lives easier, I think I'm slowing becoming addicted to them. So this is the ideal post for me to get you thinking (or least looking at a few of these and going, oh isn't that clever) for a Friday.

I seen this and immediately wished it was a reality. The concept is that you have a base for a phone and you build it, like Lego, the phone that best suits your lifestyle. My brief description doesn't do it justice, give this little video a watch and you will wish they made these for real.

Ring Watch
You have jewellery? You have watch? Why not combine the two? These rings are wonderfully well designed and come in Tron-esque colours, yellow and blue. They look like, his and hers rings but still an interesting way of putting together your hand accessories.

Self Cleaning T-Shirt
This one started life as just a concept on kickstarter and could heading our way very soon. Looking for only $20,000 to get going, this concept gained so much momentum that it raised nearly $300,000. Dubbed the Silic, it gets its name from the billions of silica particles that layer the fabric. Even when wearing a Silic t-shirt while working up a sweat, this liquid will evaporate into the air instead of into the fabric. So if your clumsy like me and spill your tea a fair bit, keep you eye out for this. It could be the answer your looking for.

Rapid Packing Container
Last but certainly not least, we have two students Henry Wang and Chris Curro showing us how the future of packaging could look like. Designing a more efficient box that uses 15 - 20 % less cardboard and is ergonomically better to open and pack. This could just be arriving at your door one day.

That was just a couple of ideas to get the ball rolling in your mind. I haven't been blessed with coming up with one yet. But doesn't mean I never will, watch this space it might happen...or not.

James xo

What's gone viral this week

14 February 2014

1// 10 Years of Facebook
So this week we'll kick off about the most talked about thing on Facebook and that is there very 10 year look back videos. In honour of turning 10 years old (that has flown over) you can catch some of your highlights from your time on the social network. According to Facebook, the videos have been shared over 100 million times making it a pretty big win for them. You can make your own film right here

2// Winter Olympics
The Winter Olympics are in full flow, and if like me you're struggling with the snowboarding lingo and waiting for the Jamaican bob-sleigh team to show up is going to be my personal highlight. Well, just before the Olympics came to air Channel 4 nailed all the colours of the rainbow to their mast ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics; focussing on a pro-gay vibe for a new promo video.

Russia's anti-gay controversies have been outraging many corners of the rest of the world over recent weeks, particularly after the British channel aired ruthlessly enraging documentary 'Hunted' last week, showing youth gangs proudly capturing and attacking young LGBT people. Channel 4 put this video together that has been viewed over 1 million times on Youtube.

3// Farewell Flappy Bird
One of the most beloved or hated game, depending on your stance has disappeared forever from the app store.

The story of Flappy Bird is a strange one, the game sat in relative obscurity many months after its release, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, it quickly became one of the most popular iOS apps, at one point reportedly earning its creator as much as $50,000 per day. At the pinnacle of the game's success, Dong Nguyen decided to remove it from the App Store, following the pressure to be number one.

But, it's not that the fact that it's been a tremendous sensation. If you head over to ebay the prices for phones that has still got the game on there mobiles is unbelievable, ranging from £150 - £3,900. If you're missing the little hapless bird you can place your bid right here 

James xo

Keeping your hand in after graduation

12 February 2014

I'm learning very quickly the importance of making and maintaining connections within the industry. After graduating in 2011 I was lucky enough to start my current job pretty much straight off, I managed a meagre four months of Job Seekers Allowance. Because of this, I made a fatal error and I let the connections I'd worked hard for in uni slide. I'm only just about recovering now. It's so important to get the feelers out there and interact with your peers, I can't stress it enough. We all need to stick together and share the love! And you never know when you'll be able to give someone a helping hand or get a boost yourself. 

My problem is that I find it hard to make the first move, I'm a fairly shy person so I struggle sometimes to put myself out there. With this in mind, I've put together a few pointers based on my own experiences. 

1//Pimp out your LinkedIn. 
I've only just properly hopped on the LinkedIn bandwagon, previously my half finished profile was just sitting there collecting dust. Big mistake. As soon as I made an effort, threw a half decent summary on there and added my experience, the connection started pouring in. I know it sounds obvious, but maybe just maybe the website built for making connections might actually help make connections. And I've learnt in the past few weeks that it's sup rising who the people you know, know. So to instantly get yourself out there, sort out your LinkedIn. Trust me. 

2//Keep your hand in, full-time job or not.
I'm not talking about Moonlighting at every hour of the day, but at least make an effort to keep involved with the scene. Go to exhibitions, go to lectures, go to events. Just go. You'll see the regular faces and they'll see you. Even if the only benefit you get from it is that you expand your mind, isn't that enough? Best case scenario is that you get chatting to someone who might just be looking for what you can give. 

3//Take a day off and go to a workshop.
I'm guilty of this one. All to often, there are events on that I would love to go to. The hitch? They're usually during the day when I'm at work, or in the evening when my only thought it "urgh, I have to get up early the next day". My advice? Just go already. Take a day off and go. A few hours less sleep won't do any harm for all the benefit you'll gain. This is one of my resolutions for this year. Join me, let's learn together!
Another one in this bracket is to attend a freelance event. Jelly Liverpool is an awesome event that is held once a month where Freelancers can come set their gear up and work all day around other creatives. It's a great chance to mix with people from other disciplines and to potentially make some new connections. What have you got to lose? Also, if you're in the North West, I'd definitely recommend getting to a Kin event. Great events, great networking!

So now I guess I need to follow my own advice! I'm really trying to be more involved in Liverpool's amazing creative community this year, I hope we can take this journey together. 

Svea xo

Brand Spotlight: Little Atom Productions

10 February 2014

Happy Monday everyone! And welcome to February's Brand Spotlight! We thought we'd set you up for a great week by sharing our interview with the lovely Karen and Gemma of Little Atom Productions. Little Atom are based in our very own Liverpool and are in the business of creating wonderful and exciting events for their clients. We love these two inspiring ladies so we couldn't wait to find out more about the great brand they're creating...

Hi Ladies! Tell us a bit about Little Atom...//
Little Atom Productions is a creative event management company that will be 3 years old this Spring. We deliver memorable events for clients across the creative, charity and corporate sectors across the UK and we also produce our own commercial live music and spoken word events, including the Liverpool In Conversation series.

What inspired you to go it alone?//
We’d been working together since 2009, initially putting on a number of cabaret events in our spare time, it was really just a way to create the kind of nights out we and our friends wanted to attend.  In 2010 we realised that our combined skills (Gemma’s background in theatre design and hospitality and Karen’s in film festivals, cultural event production and programming) would be ideal for forming our own creative event management company.

We held a launch event in September 2011 to let the city know we were in business, but we were also both in full time jobs, working all night and at weekends and using our holiday time to deliver events! In May 2012 we were working on events that were too big to manage in our spare time so we decided to take the plunge and manage the business full time.

Sounds great! How have you found the journey of launching your own business?//
We’ve faced all the challenges and ups and downs that any new business faces, but we’ve had so much fun. As soon as we went full time we wondered how we ever did it over evenings and weekends but we found it the best way to build our business, laying some foundations before we gave up our jobs. We were both very lucky in that our former employers both knew about Little Atom and were extremely supportive, they even came to our launch event.

We have very high standards where event production is involved and have been commended for the ‘personal touch’ that our customers and clients experience when they work with us or attend our events. Coming from backgrounds where customer service and audience experience is paramount, it was important to us that this translated over to Little Atom. If you look at our website, you’ll see that our brand identity features us, because we put everything we've got into our events and want everyone to enjoy the experience as much as we do.

Tell us more about the In Conversation Series, how did it come about?//
In 2009 we interviewed our friend, author and music journalist Paul Du Noyer (former editor of Q and founding editor of Mojo magazine) about his life and career. We were huge fans of his book ‘Liverpool Wondrous Place’ which features a list of his 100 favouriteLiverpool songs. As we knew and were working with a number of local musicians at the time, we asked if he would choose 5 songs from the list to be performed on the night. The event took place in the Hope Street hotel to an audience of 70 friends, local musicians and people who had seen the small amount of marketing we had done!

Not long afterwards we were approached by Liverpool Cathedral who had heard about the event and asked if we’d put on a couple of similar events there. It was a huge jump, size, tech and audience-wise, but who wouldn’t want to produce an event in such a magnificent building? In Conversation with Janice Long and In Conversation with Mike McCartneytook place in early 2010, and keeping the same format that featured their five favourite songs, we knew we were onto something special. Later that year we moved to the Concert Room at St. George’s Hall, which is now the home of the series.

We’ve since interviewed Ian St John, David Morrissey, Peter Serafinowicz, Paul McGann, Stephen Graham and Lynda La Plante, and have upcoming events with Jamie Carragher and Lord Michael Heseltine later this year.  These are all people who are from or have a special relationship with the city, and our musicians are all local or have a Liverpoolconnection. We are passionate about the city and its talent and we work with a fantastic local crew and give work experience to students, both backstage and on our filming team.

We’ve been in talks about developing the series in Manchester and New York and have also had discussions about commissioning so it’s exciting times! One of our long term goals is to make the series available digitally for download and streaming so we have a lot of work to do.

What are the main differences between creating an event where you are essentially the client and bringing together an event for someone else? Do you enjoy the challenge?//
In a way, it’s harder when we are the client because it’s easy to get completely carried away and excited by the endless possibilities our commercial events have! We like to give ourselves at least a 3-month lead time to produce an actual In Conversation event, but issues regarding the development of the series as a whole are constantly ongoing and require a lot of attention.  The growth and popularity of the series came about so quickly and organically that we have to be strict with ourselves about how much time we spend working on the series vs time producing client events.  Although we know how much time and money we can spend on the series, when a new piece of equipment comes out that would make our AV more spectacular or an amazing guest is suddenly interested, we sometimes need to restrategise in order to make it happen.

Working with a client is much more structured, with set timelines and budgets.  We love going into our first client meetings and working with them to get right to the heart of what it is that they need. We’re both from very visual and creative backgrounds so we treat the client journey as a story and we script the event to the finest detail. It can sometimes be a challenge because we’ll come up with concepts that the client has never even considered, but it’s a challenge we love!  We believe very strongly in only ever doing what’s right for the client and what makes sense as part of their ‘story’ (using stilt walkers and fire-breathers just for the sake of spectacle has never been our style!) so we’ve been delighted that our events have always been well received and we’ve had some great testimonials.

And finally, how do potential clients get in touch?//
Email or give us a call (numbers on our website).

Thanks so much to Karen & Gemma for taking the time to talk to us, much appreciated ladies! We can't wait to see what Little Atom have got up their sleeves!

Svea & James xo

5 things I found out about Vine

06 February 2014

Just over a year ago, twitter thought it would be great to create a video making app that would give people the opportunity to communicate in new ways. Who knew you would only get 6 seconds to do it? When twitter introduced Vine to the world they didn't know how far it would get, but here is 365 days later. I know I'm meant to be the social media guy, but even I'm still getting to grips with it. So I thought I would share some of the things I've found out.

1// How it works
It's quite simple, Vine records for as long as your finger is on the create button. You can either create video in a single shot or tap the screen to create a stop animation style video. Recently Vine has also introduced two new features to the app, Sessions and Time Travel. Sessions allows users to save drafts of their unfinished posts and come back to finish them at a later time. The Time Travel feature expands the possibilities for stop-motion videos, allowing users to remove, reorganise or replace shots within a post before posting it.

2// Love your video
Video really does seem to be taking over the world, hence why instagram introducing video content was a reaction to Vine. However, integrating it with Twitter has certainly helped it grow. Certain brands have used this social media platform to their advantage and have produced brilliant content. Oreo are a fantastic example with their homage to 'The Shining' over Halloween.

3// Keep people hooked
A couple of people have created a small mini series if you like. I found that 6 seconds feels like a long time when recording, so if you create a narrative it's great way to gain more followers in the long run.

4// Get people involved
Scouting around I noticed a few brands want people to get involved more. Vine seems like a great way to encourage your audience to tag you in clips of them testing your products/services. It seems everyone loves a freebie! Asos showed this one off with a customer unboxing their stuff

5// Be Creative
Being creative it seems is definitely the most important aspect when creating your Vine video. Coming up with a great idea is actually more difficult that making the video itself. I found writing a few ideas down on a piece of paper helped as I didn't just want to rush in with a post.

So I have the Vine app downloaded now and I'm going to get my video on! Hopefully I'll have something worth showing. Wish me luck.

James xo

My Favourite Portfolio Websites

04 February 2014

This month I'm going to be sharing a few of my tips and tricks for getting yourself in a good position as a Creative to get out there and look for/get work in the private sector. So today I thought I'd start at the top and look at a few of my favourite portfolio websites.

First up, lets look at Behance. This is great because it can be a simple or as complicated as you like. You can attach your own URL to it, code it to death and pimp it up, or you can take one of their basic templates and just add your work to the gaps. Sound easy? It is. If you're just starting out and want to get your work out there fast but still have it look professional, then Behance is for you.  

Next on the line is Carbon Made. Now I love this one. It's got a bit of personality, a bit of oomph and It's come from relatively humble beginnings. A two man operation that sort of exploded. It's still easy to make your portfolio look good but this one is more minimalistic than Behance. It's very simple and uniform but it does make the work stand out. I love this one particularly because for me it seems that this whole site was built just to make it as easy as possible for creatives to get their work out there. You are limited to five projects on a basic free account, but you can upgrade to add more.

And lastly, we're looking at Cargo Collective. A lot of the guys on my course chose to get themselves one of these. You do have to apply to get an account on there, but once you're in the options are pretty endless. It's pretty sweet actually. Cargo Collective is slightly different to the other two as it offers it's users a completely free standing website. So basically, you're getting your hosting all bundled up in the deal. From there you can add to pre-existing templates or you can get creative with coding. I'd recommend getting on there and taking a look at some of the example sites, there's some beautiful stuff on there.

Svea xo

Colour Splash!

02 February 2014

Welcome to February! I can't believe how quickly the first month of this year has gone, feels like we've only just had Christmas! I've not been so well this week so February's palette is an effort to inject some spirit and colour into my life that will hopefully banish the run down feeling.

This month I've been inspired by some lovely prints I've found online - check out our Pinterest for my full mood board. I've kept most of the colours pretty muted but wanted to make sure there was one good pop in there. I've also been inspired by this article about Chakras. I don't want to go all spiritual on here, but you should definitely read it.

Have a great February!

Svea xo

Photo of the Week

01 February 2014

Today's photo of the week is inspired by Chinese New Year, thank you my lovely friend Tim for leaving this on my desk yesterday, this fortune brightened my day.

Is anyone celebrating over the weekend?

Svea xo