Choosing my One Little Word

10 March 2014

So I thought I should drop in and explain why I chose the word Challenge for my One Little Word project.

As recommended I spent a lot of time brainstorming ideas. But once I got going, I was really surprised at how many came out of the process. For the record, other words that made it onto the shortlist were:   


In the end, Challenge seemed to be the best fit for me as it's the one that resonates most with my life at the moment for many reasons. I wanted my word to take on several meanings.For example, I want to challenge myself to try some new things this year, I want to face up to the challenges that are coming my way, and I want to have the courage to challenge situations that aren't working for me. I think there's plenty of scope to let this word inhabit my year. 

I'm trying really hard to let this word in, as I'm naturally a fairly quiet person it's a big thing for me to step out of my comfort zone. I made a conscious effort to settle on a word that implied some kind of action on my part. I mean, I could have plumped for 'Peace' but I knew I'd use it as an excuse to step backwards. This way, I'll be rising to the Challenge (see what I did there?!) of the One Little Word project. 

I'm still in the process of gathering all my materials to set up my book. I'm excited to get started and to start building an album for the year. Already I've been feeling more inclined to raise my game and to do more of my own work outside of the day job - something I've not really done in a long time. 

I can't wait to share the beginning of my album with you! More updates soon!

Svea xo