Social Media Insight: StumbleUpon

02 September 2013

I know a lot of people use social media to help market themselves in an ever increasing and saturated market. You have do something pretty special these days to stand out from the crowd. Most people use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to help them get a step above the rest, and rightfully so.

Never a day goes by that we see news about them whether good or bad, they are the most popular. But there is more to the web than just these 3 sites. That's why I'm going to uncover some of the other less popular social media sites, that have their own right to be here. Over the next couple of weeks I'll show you some of the benefits that you might not of thought about.

Our first stop is StumbleUpon...

Referred to as SU and with over 25 million users (as of 2012), it is one of the social websites that was started with a vision of allowing users to find what they are looking for with the help of ratings provided by scores of other users. Based on the recommendations of users, which could be either thumbs up or thumbs down, SU helps you find the right content, be it web pages, videos, photos or sites, which otherwise could have been difficult using a search engine.

The top 3 reasons for using StumbleUpon? Well just look below:

Increase web traffic//

The more visitors you have visiting your site, greater is the chances of them buying or using your products/services. That is what exactly SU helps you do. It helps you increase the footprint of your site to the entire world. In order to make this happen, you have to get your site in the SU system by listing it and encourage readers/visitors to start rating them. The more you get a thumbs up, the better it is as increased thumbs up means users like your site/posts/videos/photos etc. Hence, bringing more people to you.

Brand name//

Brand is the name of the game in marketing. Your site becomes a brand when it stays in the minds of many visitors and start using it frequently. The recognition and recall are the two vital factors that are responsible in promoting a brand. With SU, you are more likely to generate the recognition and recall in the minds of visitors. Once your site is in the SU system, the chances of it coming across visitors increases and if you have good content that is liked by many visitors, they start ranking your site positively. This in turn, helps you increase your site visibility which subsequently helps in creating the brand name.

Analytic Tool//

One of the greatest features of SU is that it allows you to analyse and visualize the incoming traffic to your site. This information is crucial to any marketer as it helps in understanding the visitors surfing habit in the site. The research shows that SU has the lowest bounce rate, which tells how many users left the site immediately after landing on your site, of around 30%. This definitely is a great tip for a marketer to position his product or service in order to convert the visitors to loyal visitors and finally to loyal buyers. Hence, this little analytics helps marketer to convert Stumblers to regular visitors.

So that's just a few things that this hidden social site could help bring to your business. I'll be back next time to uncover a few more reasons not just to stick to the big three.

'Til the next time
James x