Social Media Insight: Google+

16 September 2013

Welcome back, today in my latest look at social media I'm going to be turning my gaze to Google+. 

Google Plus is growing very fast, as of January of this year it is the second biggest social networking site on the web and is also believed to be the fourth most used app on smartphones, so it's becoming a bigger contender in the realms of social media.

Google Plus works very similar to many other networks it has a main 'Stream' where all the realted artclies the people you follow will appear in. The main big change comes in the forms of 'Circles'. This allows you to organize the people you share certain information with, so you can be more selective to your social circles and it couldn't be easier as it is a simple drop and drag option. Finally, one of the big reasons Plus has excelled is it's very nice 'Hangout' feature that brings a maximum of 10 people to have a video chat giving Google Plus a unique advantage in the every increasing market place.

So what are the benefits of using Google Plus

Google+ posts are crawled and indexed almost immediately. Google Search treats Google+ profile and pages just like “regular” websites, so they have PageRank and can be just as powerful as other websites in terms of ranking. Web pages with higher PageRank rank higher for search terms than those with lower PageRank, and higher PageRank pages deliver more authority to sites that they link to. It’s important to note that Google+ posts can indefinitely retain ranking, which helps you create a better standing on Google's search engine

Google+ Local//
Google+ Local is a part of Google+, and focuses specifically on businesses and their locations. These pages are similar to Facebook business pages, but include a many more features geared to help businesses connect with local consumers on a social level. It's also Integrated with Google maps, which enables consumers to find pertinent contact information like your phone number, address, directions, and opening hours.

Google Plus launched “Communities“ to allow businesses to reach out and directly solicit feedback from customers or potential clients in a meaningful way. Private and public communities can be created where businesses can post photos and videos about their service, products and industry news members can earn from, interact with and share with friends and family.

So, there you have get yourself set up on Google+ and reap the rewards of being connected to the world biggest search engine.

'Til the next time
James x