The Console Wars: Who got it right?

17 June 2013

Back when Sony first released the Playstation, I was hooked from the beginning, it was the future in a box. From the design of the joypad to using CD’s to play games, it showed us that gamers could be cool.

From then on in I was dedicated to Sony, hours spent playing Resident Evil to PES Soccer I had become obsessed and then the world got even brighter when the PS2 hit our shores. MY GOD, the Playstation looked like it was made with crayons I was still an advocate of the Sony family. Then Xbox showed up and proved that the future was not so one sided, releasing a new console. It had all the hallmarks of a great console, but couldn’t get my attention for love nor money.

Then I made the conscience decision to see what the party was all about with the 360, to my shock it changed everything I held dear about Sony, but for what? When the 360 came around it was the first of it’s kind, establishing itself as the only next-gen console ahead of it’s time, while Sony rested on their laurels with the PS3, Microsoft came steaming in. No more memory cards, wireless controllers, a whole heap of exclusive games, online gaming, first on the market and also a budget price. This is what made the 360 such a hit. Making me change my allegiance, they had won the battle but the war had only just begun. 2005 was the year Microsoft got their message right and steam rollered its' competition.

Of course we can't forget Nintendo's offering during this time, the Wii was a revolutionary console, but not the console for gamers like myself.

E3, for me, saw the shift change back to those folks at Sony.

Microsoft in their hesitation, showed their cards to soon. Delivering a key message not focused on their customers. Gamers.

Trying to become a rival to the television, while you need a television to play this on was not a good start, not being able to share games with friends or family was a brave decision and not the right one. Trying to capitalise on the entertainment market, left it’s core audience thinking, well…what the hell do I get? Showcasing some obvious games (Call of Duty, Battlefield & Halo) was not a hard decision. Leaving the Xbox One with its pants down.

So, history repeats itself, Sony listened, responded and gave its core audience a console that was designed for gamers and games first and foremost and entertainment second. Undercutting the Xbox in price, performance and not excluding people by being able to share games, which gave Sony the perfect ammunition to do this:

From all this, it showed me that being loyal to a brand can sometimes cause you to feel a bit dis-hearted when they become arrogant. I did miss out on the excellent Uncharted and God of War franchise, but I did get Gears of War in return…every cloud. Sony didn’t mess the customers it held dearly about and this is what is causing so many heads to turn now. All of the internet you can see the reaction by how poorly Microsoft misjudged the gamers.

But, inevitably when they get it right, it’s like coming back home from holiday.

It’s cosy, safe and you know where everything is. Welcome back into my life Sony, i missed you.

James x