Be Excellent to each other...

28 June 2013

Seven Streets recently posted an article entitled 'The Liverpool Contra Affair' you can read it here. In short it looks at the culture that seems to be growing in Liverpool that means that creators aren't always being fairly paid for their work. It's a very interesting read, and I'd highly recommend a look over it. 

I love my city. I love it's culture and the fact that really, anything is sort of possible. Because we're a pretty small city in the grand scheme of things, it means that our creative community is really tight knit with a lot of room for cross over between disciplines. If you want to make contact with someone, no problem! Your mate probably met them at a gig last year and can introduce you. That is what is truly awesome about Liverpool. So bearing this in mind, why can it sometimes seem so hard to grow something new and get it off the ground? Sometimes it can feel as though you spend your life doing favours which can totally devalue your skills. It's fairly easy to fall into the habit of undervaluing your work and it just breeds that expectation for the future. 

It seems to be a difficult rut to get yourself out of as a creative. It's almost an extension of the belief that a Creative degree is the easy option - so therefore it mustn't be a proper job? (yes, I have experienced this attitude before). I'd like to think that creativity is increasingly being taken more seriously in the city, it certainly seems so, but to really ingrain this behaviour, we need to first start helping each other. (At the risk of sounding preachy) why should anyone else truly value us if we don't first recognise the value in our own talents? It's time to stand up for ourselves, to stop throwing each other under the bus, and to start being excellent to each other. 

Svea xo