List Love

18 April 2014

Hey guys, I've got some awesome links to share with you this month!

  1. This list of books to read in 2014 - I'm definitely going to try to squeeze some of these in between my books from ABM book club!
  2. And speaking of ABM, this article from Elsie about working in a young industry
  3. The 6 item challenge - this would definitely help towards clearing out my wardrobe!
  4. This great post about Green Skincare from Elise of Elise Joy,
  5. I'm dying to make this Croque Monsieur at home, I'm a sucker for them!
  6. I love the sweet (pardon the pun) graphics for Laura's Little Bakery website
  7. This article about living and working purposefully really caught my eye
  8. I'm still sceptical about internships but this scheme sounds interesting

And finally…

I like this efficient delivery process! I like to have a good structure set in place when I'm working so this process is perfect for me.

Svea xo